3 Quotes & Sayings By Jane Bennett

Jane Bennett is the author of the best-selling books 'The Year of Living Danishly' and 'The Book of New Year's Eve'. Jane is an award-winning journalist, broadcaster, and entrepreneur. She has written for The Guardian, Radio 4 (with Sue Barker), The Independent on Sunday, The New Statesman, Woman's Hour, Prospect magazine and her articles have appeared in many international publications including the Financial Times, The Guardian and the Wall Street Journal. She has also appeared on TV in shows including Newsnight Review and This Week.

A life thus names a restless activeness, a destructive-creative force-presence that does not coincide fully with any specific body. A life tear the fabric of the actual without ever coming fully 'out' in a person, place, or thing. A life points to. . 'matter in variation that enters assemblages and leaves them. A life is a vitality proper not to any individual but to 'pure immanence, ' or that protean swarm that is not actual though it is real: 'A life contains only virtuals. It is made of virtualities. Jane Bennett
The pure power of a life can manifest as beatitude, or as an unspeakable, sheer violence... Jane Bennett